5 Days To Feel Better

The book that reveals the key to LOSING WEIGHT - FEELING BETTER - REGAINING ENERGY with Thyroid Disease

Perfect for anyone battling Hypothyroidism, Hashimotos, Thyroid Cancer or recovering from a Thyroidectomy...

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    Hi. Im Helen, Thyroid Coach and founder of

    In 2017 I had a total Thyroidectomy and Neck Dissection for Thyroid Cancer. I struggled with Hypothyroidism and had to battle my way back to full health.

    This guide is everthing I learnt on my journey. I know this guide can help you start down the right track to regaiing energy, losing weight & starting to feel like your old self again…

    Helen Aldous

    Yorkshire UK

    Do YOU?:

    • Feel like you dont know where to start in feeling better
    • Feel like it's IMPOSSIBLE to feel better after battling thyroid disease
    • Feel absolutely exhausted and are struggling to live your everyday life
    • Feel like you are failing your family as you feel so ill and exhausted
    • Battle random Thyroid symptoms every day
    • Just want to feel like your old self again

    What you'll read

    • The number 1 THING you need to know to get back to full health successfully. This is THE 1 REASON you havent been able to start to feel better up till now.
    • How doing this one thing can damage your Thyroid further and make you feel worse.
    • How you can optimise your THYROID HORMONES to feel better, improve your energy levels and LOSE WEIGHT.
    • The Thyroid Supporting BLUEPRINT that will guide you back to health.
    • The exact strategies and recipes I have used to get back to full health and recover from Hypothyroidism and Thyroidectomy
    • and so much more...